Shohei Beniya is an associate professor at Graduate School of Disaster Resilience and Governance (and Education and Research Center for Disaster Reduction) of University of Hyogo, and also is a research fellow at Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution (DRI) established by Hyogo prefectural government and Japan central government after the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake. He also is an adjunct lecturer of Kobe university. His specializations include City Planning, Community Planning, and Disaster Management.
He started his career in these fields from his bachelor in architecture from Kyoto University, and also master’s degree both in City planning from Kyoto University and Economics from Kobe University.
He worked at Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting for ten years, which is one of the largest Japanese think tanks. While he was working for the institute, he also finished his PhD from Kobe University.
Then he worked at DRI from 2007 for six years, former three years as a research scientist and latter three years as a chief research scientist. He also worked at DRI as a coordinator and a trainer of education programs for disaster managers in public sectors. During the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster (the Tohoku earthquake) he was dispatched to Miyagi governmental office as a member of assistant team from DRI, and he provided some advices to Miyagi prefectural government and field office of Japanese government. He has conducted validation surveys for the response of local governments and local communities after the Tohoku earthquake.
From April 2013 to March 2016, he worked at Graduate School of International Studies (GSICS) and Interfaculty Initiatives in Social Sciences (IISS) of Kobe University as an associate professor. He teaches disaster management for foreign students, and conducts some research projects relevant to recovery and disaster risk reduction.
He is a member of many committees and advisory boards of the central government and local governments. He also works as a consultant, and he gives many lectures and supports disaster risk reduction activities and drills of local governments or communities.
Bachelor (Eng, in Architecture) 1994, Kyoto University
Master (Eng, in City Planning) 1996, Kyoto University
Master (Economics) 2012, Kobe University
PhD (Eng, in Environmental Planning) 2006, Kobe University
Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting. Consultant, 1997-2007
The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Disaster Research Institution. Research Scientist, 1997-2000.Chief Research Scientist, 2000-2013.
Kobe University. Associate Professor, 2013-2016.
University of Hyogo. Associate Professor, 2016-present.
Research Topic
Emergency Management in Governments
Community Recovery after Disasters
Community Based Disaster Risk Management with Public-private collaboration
Business Continuity Management in Public and Private Sectors
Major Publications
"The Evaluation of the Status of Disaster Areas by using Recovery Indicators - in the case of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake -", 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, 2007
"A Research on Business Continuity Management of Big Private Companies in Japan -A case of the new influenza pandemic in 2009|", 9th International Symposium on NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR URBAN SAFETY OF MEGA CITIES IN ASIA, 2010
"The Importance of a Business Continuity System for Local Governments as Revealed by Previous Disaster Responses" (with Seiya HIRANO), Quarterly Journal of Public Policy and Management, 2011 Vol.3, pp.119-136, 2011. In Japanese.
"A Research on the Business Continuity Management of Big Private Companies for a Pandemic Flu in 2009" (with Hiroaki MARUYA and Yoshiaki KAWATA), Journal of social safety science No.18, 2012. In Japanese.